Tuesday 28 February 2017

Choosing Scenes

At this stage, I wanted to evenly pick out the six different parts of the book I could potentially illustrate. I know the story quite well so it is just a matter of choosing the aspects I think are the most effective in engaging both adult and younger readers in the aesthetic of the narrative. The ones I am thinking about so far are:

1. 'She could see the tops of the trees above the wall, and when she stood still she saw a bird with a bright red breast sitting on the topmost branch of one of them' - pg 29.

2. 'She found herself in one long gallery whose walls were covered with those portraits' - pg 46.

3. ''This is Miss Mary, Sir', she said' - pg 96.

4. 'Dickon, who was kneeling on the grass working hard' - pg 129.

5. 'Colin was standing upright - upright - as straight as an arrow and looking strangely tall' - pg 183.

6. 'Where you tend to a rose, my lad, a thistle cannot grow' - pg 230.

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