Wednesday 20 April 2016

Love Letter - Final Poster Design

Idea behind the Final Design

I found the poem 'Love Letter' incredibly interesting and moving. I thought the imagery depicted within it could act as visual symbols for other elements of Sylvia Plath's life.


As I found so many feminist ideology and frustrations in 'The Bell Jar' I wanted to include some element of how the inequality faced by women can make them feel trapped in one part of life - aren't free to choose for themselves and feel that they have to follow more of a path that has been set out by society. The entanglement of the vines is a suggestion of this feeling, unfortunately although times have changed and there are many more opportunities for women than in the past, there are still a lot of expectations placed on women in society - how to be all the things we want to be when we are so frequently put in boxes and made to choose one path.

Fragility of Life

The withering wild flowers, leaves, heart and angels are all symbols for life and death. I took the angels from a particular part of the poem, and interpreted them as stone angels. This imagery for me symbolises the end of a life, afterlife and graveyards. In the poem the angels are 'weeping over dull nature' so a lot of this posters imagery stems from that one line. I thought using the analogy of angels and nature would be an effective way of combining these ideas.

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