Tuesday 19 April 2016

Crit with Matt & co.

The crit today was very encouraging and helpful - not just for this project but where I can develop my practice in the future. The fact that is was a silent crit was great too, it meant that I could get an idea of how my work communicates without explaining everything first.

Issues Discussed

Sad. Nature. Cold. Falling apart. Trapped. Biblical (Heart/snake/angel). Depth

These were all things that my peers picked up on when looking at my work. I was pleased that they noticed the tone and the emotion I wanted to evoke, especially within my Poster designs. 

Crafting is Impressive

I spent a lot of time cutting out the different shapes and ensuring that I took care when doing so. I think crafting is usually one of my strengths as it is what I enjoy and value when looking at an image - adds to impact.

Intricate Vs. Flat bold shape Vs. Composition - Tension, struggle, fragment

When planning my designs most of the different composition ideas happened on the actual page. I found that cutting out shapes and moving them around before committing to a plan was helpful in developing my exploration during the project. The tension and struggle evident in the work is something I was conscious of achieving at this stage and I am happy that this seems to translate well.

Reduction of content/ppp/detail in Postcards

I will definitely remember that to produce a complete set it is easier to start with the most complicated design first and work off of that. It was kind of by chance that I did this, as i thought as the poster takes the most time I should start with that. This made the rest a lot easier because I already had a process to work with.


How will it scan? How to capture 3D? Tried Photography perhaps?

I had already scanned in my work by this point and thankfully it captured the shadows and depth really well. However, in the future I want to start using the photography studios more - especially when using paper craft.

Where next? Don't let finishing suffocate your risk taking experimentation

This is something I will definitely take on board. I don't want to fall into the trap of being 'finished', so sacrificing time I could be using to try out new ideas. I have realised that all the things I learn are in the development stages - trial and error.

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