Monday 23 November 2015

One Week Book Research Day

Group 4 - Me, Ella, Megan, Kate and Jenny


Task - Buying someone a cup of tea

This turned into buying Christmas Gingerbread Latte's, we were very cold after the walk to town so this gave us a great excuse to buy each other a hot drink.

Tasks - Try on a fabulous pair of shoes and buy something from a Charity shop

The first place we headed was a local Charity shop, our intention was to find some wigs! We instead found some long black sequinned boots, the definition of fabulousness.
Whilst here we bought ourselves rather dishevelled looking Barbie and Ken dolls. 

Task - Place a bet at the Bookies

I was quite excited for this task as I have never placed a bet before, and neither had anyone else in the group. We had a chat with a man who told us the general gist of how to place a bet, he obviously has a lot of experience in this area! On his way out of the Bookies he then told the the younger members of our group (who weren't allowed in) that we had won £100! We did however, only place a bet of £1 which lost.

We also thought that it would be funny to put Barbie and Ken into the different situations we found ourselves in during the day. Here they are with our betting slip!

Giving money to buskers! feat. Barbie and Ken

Task - Go into a pub and order a half pint of their weakest ale

This was quite an experience! We did not realise that we wandering into probably 'the roughest pub in Leeds' according to a local man! When we initially walked in, someone asked if we were lost! Then the man took a picture of us, it was that rare a sight for him to see a group of young girls in there. We all felt a bit like aliens!

Barbie and Ken also made an appearance here.

Task - Go into a toy shop and play with some toys

Ken betrayed Barbie by eyeing up some younger dolls.

We all had a lot of fun playing with toys in The Entertainer. It was quite nostalgic for me when I found a hobby horse, it  brought back many childhood memories! I also found a plastic sword with a sheath that I thought was very cool.

Finding a massive puppet of an orang-utan was the source of great hilarity between the group, as well as a strange shaped dog that stuck its tongue out.

Task - Try on some wigs

What fun we had in the Wig shop. I kept getting drawn to the afro wigs for some reason, I felt a bit like a member of the Jackson 5! Here we attempted to get some stories out of the man behind the till but he either didn't have any or just thought we were a bit strange! We probably spent a bit too much time in the shop, but it was worth it just for the comic factor.


Great end to a bizarre day - On our way back to uni we stumbled across the cutest puppy wearing a Christmas jumper! Her name was Luna, she was 10 weeks old and her owner was kind enough to let me hold her. It was even nicer to see a puppy after so many weeks (in Uni halls) without a pet in the house!

Today was a great start to a brand new module!

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