D & AD Briefs
Adobe - Three Poster designs or prints
I am interested in this brief as it seems quite open (can select the target audience), images should speak for themselves like in an editorial brief which is something I want to improve on in my own practice. Producing three prints doesn’t seem like too much of a work load and is something I could manage alongside other projects.
Amazon - Create content for AmazonFresh
This brief looked really exciting because it is based around food! I think I would have a lot of fun playing around with media and content. I also like how the brief requires evidence of creative process too, so may encourage my love of working practically rather than completely digitally. I feel like this project would be a lot of fun, and again isn’t too much of a work load.
Fur for Animals - Campaign for a digital world
I like the ethics involved in this brief. Although it is a bit vague I feel like I would enjoy creating ideas based around a topic I genuinely care about. Again research and development have to be included in the entry which is a plus for me.
YCN Briefs - Past briefs
Royal Opera House - Encourage young people to experience Opera for the first time
I was drawn to this brief because of my interest in all things theatrical. I would enjoy researching this topic and visualising ways in which I can make Opera appeal to a younger audience. The brief is fairly open to interpretation which I like as there is a constant theme that draws you back to what they are asking for.
Fedrigoni - Creatively use paper to promote our new retail space
My love of paper art/textures drew me to this brief. I feel like my way of working would suit this very well, I would really enjoy experimenting and playing around with paper to create interesting and exciting imagery. This brief also helps you out by providing a paper sample pack of what The London Graphic Centre/The Imaginative Papers Shop sell which I think would be very useful when starting to develop imagery from their paper.